Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Bests of the Decade Part 1
1) Two words: Skinny. Jeans.
Whether it be skin tight silhouettes for women to slim straight cuts for men, denim has never looked better or more flattering...unless you're not skinny, then this trend probably didn't apply to you at all. Shame.
2) Tailored pieces worn casually.
Nothing dresses up a casual tee like layering it with a nice tailored vest, turning the regular into refined. And don't forget blazers! No longer are blazers expected to be paired with the cliche dress pants or I guess pencil skirts(?) for women, but instead are worn with Trend #1 (see above) among other things. Also a formal event or business meeting needs not to be on the agenda in order for you to rock a blazer. Wear it proud.
3) It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood.
Return of the CARDIGANS!!! Yay. I've always liked cardigans, but until recently they've held the stigma of being associated to the often style-challenged grandpas of the world and Mr. Rogers. But I disagree. I LOVE the old fashioned look. I mean, what better time to dress older than your age than when you're young and hip? When you're old, it doesn't matter what age you dress, your wrinkles and greying/thinning hair (if you still have any) will show otherwise. Plus, this is an example of fashion meets function (believe it!). Cardigans are warm and can be worn buttoned up or unbuttoned. Oh the variety!
Worst Fashion Trends of the Decade:
1) UGly Boots. You know what's coming.
Uggs. Even saying the word makes me cringe. Not only is it a word that looks like "ugly," but the word sounds ugly and the product is Fugly. Okay, okay. I'll admit that even I at one point was naive enough to believe that ugly could be the new trendy (I mean it was on Oprah's Favourite my judgement was impaired by hers!). Now that I've come to my senses, I honestly don't think footwear could get any more unpleasant than this, except for maybe Crocs, which even the thought of them makes me want to vomit. But seriously?! Uggs? I know they must be super comf and warm and whatever, but get over it. Girls, do yourselves a favour and throw those fashion offenses away! They make you look like you're wearing the shoes of an animal costume belonging to the mascot of a peewee sports team or of an amusement park. The guy that dresses up as the mouse mascot at Chuck E. Cheese's, want his shoes back. Thanks.
2) Bohemian Rhapsody. I think Not.
I mean what the fuck was that? Oversized shapeless peasant skirts, head scarves, and drowning yourself in layers upon layers of cheap ooking bead necklaces/braceletes?? Okay just becasue Nicole Richie and the Olsens kinda pulled it off, doesn't mean you can even come anywhere close to making it work. It's called a mirror. Please, please use it before you leave the house.
3) Ed Hardy. Enough said.
Sorry if anyone was offended by this post. I am aware that we have all committed crimes against fashion at one point or another in our lives. But on the brights, it's a new year, new slate, and new choose them wisely.
Monday, December 28, 2009
The itinerary seemed good in theory; the location being a bar located on the trendy uptown 17th Ave, where we would be in good company, and then we would all taxi it home after the big countdown (and after everyone had their "Happy New Year's" shots and before we all turned back into house-slave Cinderellas). However in practice, the "trendy" bar was basically a SPORTS BAR (Um yeah, No Thanks) and the "good company" were a whole bunch of rowdy Hockey fans as a Flames game was on...great...I could honestly care less. Not to mention I felt sick after only an hour being there and couldn't drink anymore until just before midnight, which sucked because what's New Year's eve without alcohol abuse? Following midnight, we WALKED, yes WALKED, no Taxi, for blocks on end to the train station, where we train-ed it back to the where we lived, then WALKED several hundred blocks more to a friend's house where we finally got rides home. All that walking would've been fine if maybe it wasn't 1am in the morning, fucking freezing, in the dark, and about 50 blocks to many and did I mention? fucking freezing! My friend's hair turned WHITE from frost that accumlated on her hair. I was pretty miserable for about a good hour or so getting home.
Okay, I mean the night wasn't all that bad (if you disregard all the above ranting, and damn am I good at bitchin' or what?!), I was with two of my closest friends and yeah it wasn't a terrible New Year's, but just not one that I had hoped for.
So THIS year, my friends and I are hoping to trade up our New Year's experience, but so far, no groundwork has been laid. We are basically TWO nights away from the eve of 2010 and we have no idea what we're doing >:[
Boo to indecisiveness and poor planning skills. Story of my life.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I can't help myself; I'm addicted to a life of material

Damn it Stella, couldn't you have designed a line for adults? Oh wait, I guess you did for H&M at one point...but still, it was only for girls, and WE (the fashion deprived Calgary) didn't get H&M until only recently :( And even with your current line for GAP Kids, couldn't you have made sizes bigger than a 12?!? I mean there's some of us, mainly me, who would've totally squeezed my body and sacrificed movement from the waist up, to fit into one of these military band jackets of to-die-for luxury. Look at the detail on these jackets, it's basically couture!...for KIDS! NOT. FAIR. Kids probably couldn't even pronounce "couture," let alone appreciate it. Even MJ would roll over in his grave for one of these (Is it too soon to joke?). But seriously, I'm one skinny bitch and even I can't fit into the largest where's the hope for the average sized people? That's right; there is none. How devastating.

These sunglasses make my knees weak. They are perfection. I want them, but just not the $600 price tag that comes along with it. I'm tempted to apply to Holt, just for a chance to be able to buy these babies at half price. I mean $300 may still be pricey for a pair of shades, but it's so GQ that it's so worth it. Does that make any sense? Probably not.

So I finally found thick framed opticals that satisfy my craving for geek chic-ness and then some, with these by Dolce&Gabbana. I'm pretty sure these are the ones. Now it's just a matter of when I'm actually gonna get them, and whether or not I should go with the black frames as pictured above, or ones made of torquiose. Hmmm...

What more can I say? These boots belong on my feet. Pure and simple.
You know, the funny thing is I was supposed to be writing my Greek&Roman essay, then I decided that making this post was much more important. Another funny thing, I don't really have a job as of right now. So I really have no idea how I'm gonna be able to afford any of these luxury items, and shop-lifting is not my colour, so yeah......
My birthday is in April :)
Must Listen:
1) Meet Me On The Equinox - DCFC
2) Never Forget You - The Noisettes (This was a Club M song! Haha, how I shamelessly miss working there.)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Loving life again :)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Not Looking Forward To....
Realistic? Probably not. But hey, I gotta dream big.
It just really bothers me how I'm in school for something that I wouldn't be satisfied doing for the rest of my life. I know that it sounds stupid that I'm even still in school for it then, huh? Well here's the plan: I go through with this for another 2-3 years, get my Pressured-By-Parents Degree, and then "take a year off" otherwise known as "enroll at Parsons, and give my dream job a shot!". That way, if the whole Parsons thing doesn't work out, then I could at least say I tried it and would still have something to fall back on...even if it is just a REBOUND. And it's not like I completely dread what I would potentially do with the program I'm in now, it's just I would have to find other means to satisfy my insatiable thirst for creative output and potential FAME, haha. But yep, that's my plan. I know that if I don't attempt it, then I'll never live it down and it'll always be one of those big "What Ifs?".
Anyhow, enough about that. I saw Where The Wild Things Are this weekend, and I thought it was pretty good. I have to admit I was slightly disappointed with the ending, but other than that I would recommend watching it...especially if you remember the book as a kid. The movie as a whole is cute. But there is some content in there that if you were one of the many seven-year-olds that watched the movie alongside your parents, you would not have understood. The bigger message behind everything, and the personalities of the monsters (and what, and better yet who they represent) is something I can appreciate understanding. I can't wait for the soundtrack to come out, definitely heard some good tunes throughout the movie :)
Must Listen:
1) Bette Davis Eyes - Blondie (There are many versions/covers of this song, and I don't think Blondie's is the original, but it's still my personal favourite. The Leighton Meester Cover is pretty cool too. Just saying.)
2) Walcott - Vampire Weekend
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Wild Things
Okay, so is it just me, or did "fall" last for like ONE WEEK?!? It seemed like Calgary experienced an extended summer, with 30-degree weather persisting well into and throughout September, and then we maybe experienced fall weather for a couple days, and then BAM! It's fucking SNOWING! I mean, seriously? Ugh. I was looking forward to layering my clothes and living in sweaters and easing my way back into wearing jackets again (and finally be able to wear my trench coat that I bought 6 months ago....) but NOT full on wearing my puffy winter coat!! That's Calgary weather for you.
But on the brights, METRIC is coming to Calgary on October 30th, and guess who has tickets??? This will be the second time that I'll be privileged to be in prescence of their musical greatness. Can't. Wait. And speaking of concerts, another one that I was supposed to go to, got the AXE (Thanks to Mr. Ima Let You Finish). I'm talking about the FAME KILLS TOUR. WhatTheFuck. But apparently Lady G will be touring solo and the tour dates for that will be announced within this week! Fingers crossed that she's still coming to Calgary...because in all honesty, I was only going to FAME KILLS for HER! I even "tweeted" her, pleading for her to come here so that I can see her Pokerface all over my face!
I'm also super stoked to go see this when it comes out on October 16th:

I'll definitely be sporting my Where The Wild Things Are t-shirt when I go watch this. Haha, so lame of me, I know.
Must Listen:
1) Half Mast - Empire Of The Sun
2) Passenger Seat - Death Cab For Cutie (I'm a sucker for two things; songs with piano in it, and death cab for cutie. And this song has BOTH! It's really a beautifully composed song)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Of Bitches Who Bitch...For No Reason.
Okay so here's the story. So there was this BITCH who came in and she was holding an item of clothing. So as I am expected to do, I approached her and asked if she would like me to start her a fitting room. She said "No thanks," to which I responded "Ok no worries." Fast forward ten minutes later and the same BITCH now had several items clinging to her arm. Thinking to myself, I realized that she didn't want a room before, but now with more items in her hand, she might've changed her mind. So again, doing what is expected of me, I offered again if she would like a room started now (so that she wouldn't have to lug around so many items while she shopped - for HER convience.) Then what happened next was uncalled for. The BITCH rudely said "Ok, you're being kinda pushy. I just want to shop." rolling her eyes at me. I was shocked so all I could say at the time was "Oh, sorry." <--Biggest Regret.
But seriously, WHAT A FUCKING BITCH. I was only trying to make your shopping experience more comfortable but instead you decide to bitch at me for doing my job (keep in mind, this was in front of other customers, co-workers, and my assistant manager too). Well FUCK YOU. And you know what? I'm sorry. I'm sooo sorry that your such a FUCKING BITCH and can't even acknowledge when someone is trying to help you out for your benefit. GO FUCK YOURSELF.
Wow, ranting about this really made me feel alot better :) Although it would make me feel even more better if the BITCH somehow came upon this, read it, realized that it was about her, and felt like a DOUCHE. Because in esscence, that's what you are. Now that would be sweet. One can dream right??
On another note (but kind of on the same annoying/frustrating/sour/bad note), school has started and the suicidal thoughts have also returned. UGH. School is such a pain. I hate it so. I mean, I already have a quiz tomorrow, WTF.
Must Listen:
1) My Radio - Stars
2) Midnight Train - Journey (Okay so this song is a little trailer-trash-esque, but whatevs. I sing it loud and proud!)
Monday, September 7, 2009
too tired & irritated to make a real post. so sue me.
summer how could you leave me like this? i thought i meant something to you; that it would be different this time. i thought you loved me too.
But, on the bright side:The return of school also means the return of my beloved tv shows and some new ones to look out for <3
-Gossip Girl
-The Hills
-The City
-Glee :) :) :)
-Ugly Betty
-The Beautiful Life (we'll see about this one...)
Am I forgetting something? Hope not. It's gonna be fun juggling school AND all SEVEN of these shows. Wish me luck.
Must Listen:
1) Someday - The Strokes
2) 1979 - Smashing Pumpkins (Kind of an old song, but worthy of listening all the same. Chances are, you've probably already heard it before but have forgotten about it.)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
This summer was a season for...
For the first summer ever, I've worked more than a week! For those of you that know, this is making reference to my usual one week-ish employment during the Stampede season, followed by lazy days (months, actually) of non-employment bliss. But this year was different. I actually worked the majority of the summer. My last shift at my beloved Club M was only this recent Tuesday aka 3 days ago. Is it sad that I've become so attached to my job (and my co-workers :D) that I kind of miss it already? Yes, that is sad. Working at Club M definitely had its moments for sure, there were times when I felt that in working there I was wasting my summer, but now I realize working there made my summer. I mean for once, I actually had something to do in the summer, and something that I enjoyed. Okay yeah, this is sad. I'll stop declaring my love for Club M now (but it knows that it'll always have a place in my heart <3)
Okay it wasn't ALL work and no fun. Don't think that I became so attached to work that it had replaced my definition of "fun". Hells to the no. Concerts on the other hand did become my definition of "fun". So much so that I went to 3 concerts over the course of the summer. Okay, okay. So THREE isn't ALOT, but more than most of my friends can say! The killers, Coldplay, and most recently Kings of Leon. Epic, epic, and epic. The adrenaline rush + star-struck + LIVE proof of actual musical TALENT - the pot smoking = My addiciton. I live for live music.
As always, I can't help but shop till I drop in the summer. Whether it be from clothes to shoes or to other miscellaneous things that I probably don't need, spending is what I do best. I think it's a talent actually. But seriously, it's not even purchasing physical things, it's going to the movies, buying concert tickets, FOOD, Starbucks, SUSHI (notice how a mentioned Sushi on its own, that's becasue I have a special appreciation for it <3 ), clubbing, drinks, cabbing home late at night after the club, spending money on people, etcetera, etcetera. Who ever said that money doesn't make the world go round, was obviously POOR. Ew.
With the summer soon drawing to an end, I can honestly say that this summer was a good one, and will be missed profoundly when school starts. Isn't it odd how time ALWAYS flies by only near the end of summer? Oh summer, I miss you already!
Must Listen:
The Kills are my "it" band of the moment. I love them!! These 3 songs from their latest album, Midnight Boom, are my favourite. Anyone recognize where they might've heard the third song??? Here's a clue:
1) Sour Cherry - The Kills
2) Cheap & Cheerful - The Kills
3) URA Fever - The Kills
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
$ummer $pending
Besides, I may be going somewhere so much better come January. *fingers crossed*
I decided I would keep the location a secret to prevent from jinxing it :)
Other than that, what else is new? Hmm, let's see. Work is going well. The fall collection has arrived, and I'm pleased to say that I've fallen in love with Club M all over again. Again, notice how anytime I'm excited for something, it almost always involves clothes and/or spending money. I seriously think I'm a compulsive shopper. I mean, I literally get an instant rush of adrenaline the very second I enter a mall, and I'm in a state of euphoria as soon as I purchase something, anything. Speaking of which, the new CrossIron Mills Mega Mall is opening on the 19th of August!! YAY. I booked off work for that shit. $toked.
Must Listen:
My current infactuation is with none other than a little ol' band known as The Cure <3
1) Friday I'm In Love - The Cure
2) Lullaby - The Cure
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Forever Young

Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while
Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies
Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?
Let us die young or let us live forever
We don't have the power, but we never say never
Sitting in a sand-pit, life is a short trip
The music's for the sad men
Can you imagine when this race is run
Turn our golden faces into the sun
Praising our leaders, we're getting in tune
The music's played by the mad men
Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?
Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?
Some are like water, some are like the heat
Some are a melody, some are the beat
Sooner or later they all be gone
Why don't they stay young?
It's so hard to get old without a cause
I don't want to perish like a fading horse
Youth is like diamonds in the sun
and diamonds are forever
So many adventures couldn't happen today
So many songs that we forgot to play
So many dreams swinging out of the blue
We let them come true
Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?
Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I'm Back Bitches!
Last weekend, (after feeling desperate to get out of Calgary for quite some time now) I finally decided to go visit some family in Edmonton. Although the trip was short, I was still able to enjoy myself. On Friday, I went to "Capital Ex" (Edmonton's lame version of the Stampede, minus the festive Western theme - of which I surprisingly have grown to like). On Saturday, I went with the family to Aspen Beach for some fun in the sun and a BBQ. And of course, (and luckily) I was able to squeeze in some WestEd Mall time before I left on Sunday - hence, the new Nudies along with a couple tees from my beloved Urban Outfitters! I seriously LOVE that store!! I honestly think that I can easily spend 3 hours in UO just browsing and looking at all the interestingly random and "trendy/scene" items that they have in the store. All in all, my mini-trip to Etown was a success.
In further travelling news, I'm leaving Cowtown once again on August 2nd for the LA of Canada aka Vancouver!! SO STOKED FOR THAT. I can't wait for the days spent at a REAL beach (That was me making a reference to the fact that Aspen "Beach" really isn't a beach, but just a lake!! Scandalous, I know). Also not to mention the $HOPPING - which btw I really should stop doing seeing as how on my last bank statement, I've somehow spent $950.47!!! Holy mack, I must've been on crack or some other hard drug. I mean, WTF did I do?!? I wish I was rich :(
Anyhow, I have to start getting ready for work and actually do something productive. So peace out y'all.
Must Listen:
1) Hook Me Up - The Veronicas
2) Dull Life - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Blue Jean Serenade
SUMMER x Stampede fun (and no work there this summer!) + Late Nights + Good Company + Hot Sweaty Nights...temperature-wise of course ;) + Vacay (as of now, no destination has been decided) + Stress Free? + Rocking my "new" vintage Ray Bans + Shorts
Pure Bliss. This is my kind of math!
About the shorts, I was thinking about rocking the tastefully ripped, cropped/rolled-up denim shorts. Or just "short" shorts in general, the ones that sit just on or slightly above the knee. Good idea? I mean, I love a good pair or Cargos and Bermudas (so comfortable, and I own 3 and 2 respectively), but they just lack the fashion flare that comes with these new "short" shorts that are all over the runways and fashion mags. I don't know. Accquired taste maybe?

YAY or NAY??
Oh yeah, did I mention? COLDPLAY WAS FKN AMAZING. Like, for reals.
Must Listen:
1) Heads Will Roll - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
2) The Woods - Stars
3) Wonderful - Lady GaGa
Monday, June 8, 2009
Also, completely random, but I thought I would mention it anyways (as I am watching music videos while typing this). Have you ever noticed how cell phones or other similar gadgets make cameos in music videos??? It's like artists just HAVE to flash a cell phone in their vids because they think it's "cool" or something. I personally think it's soo tacky and desperate. Just thought I would point that out.
Must Listen:
1) Knock You Down - Keri Hilson Ft. Kanye West & Ne-Yo
2) Around The Bend - The Asteroids Galaxy Tour (I'm not too sure if this is the latest, but it's a recent song from an ipod commercial)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Must See: UP

This movie was INCREDIBLE!! It's been a long time since I've seen a movie so great, and the best part was that I watched it in 3D :) I went into this movie thinking it would be like every other Disney/Pixar movie, in that it would be "cute" but lacking any true substance. But I was soo wrong! At one point (ok fine, several points) in the movie, I was even reduced to teary eyes. Yes, I admit it. There are some sad scenes suprisngly enough, but they made the "happy scenes" so much more worthwhile!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Also, completely unrelated but relevant to my life all the same:
In latest TV news, those of you that watch GG would know that Season 2 has offically wrapped up. No more scandals from our favourite upper east siders until August 31st when Season 3 Premieres!!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS. The finale would've been completely epic if only they went into more detail about the whole Poppy-money-scam, and how the bitch-renewed Gorgina managed to stop her. But maybe they'll reveal that in the new season, along with Serena possibly finding her dad & Scott (the lily-rufus love child) going to NYU along with D, V, and B with her roommate from hell (Gorgina) & Little J's new regime as Queen. CAN'T WAIT :)
Must Listen:
1) Stand And Deliver - No Doubt (This song is very reminiscent of old-school ska no doubt!)
2) Just Can't Get Enough - Depeche Mode (Such a fun song lol)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Rainy Reminscence

Everytime it rains, I can't help but think of the song Champange Supernova (the cover by matt pond PA of the Oasis song). As a once-devoted fan of The OC (remember this show?!?), I'll always recall the episode in which it unexpectedly rained in the sunny county of orange, serving as a major metaphor for the recent drama in the character's lives:
1) Marissa was realizing her new-found lesbian relationship with Alex wasn't as glamourous as she had hoped...meaning that she now had to pay rent and had little closet place as a result of moving in with her gf.
2) Ryan's gf Lindsay (also the illegitimate love child of Caleb Nichol and some random ginger by the name of Renee) decided that she's gonna ditch him for Chicago because she couldn't bring herself to stay in Newport and live with the father who has neglected her existence for so many years. Also, Chicago was the only place that her and her mother had any other family...besides as if Lindsay could have remained a regular character, she was getting in the way of the evitable union of Ryan and Marissa :)
3) Sandy kind of had an affair with Rebecca (his old flame), causing major tension in the Cohen household. Poor Kirsten...but then again we all know that she eventually has a semi-affair with Carter before spiraling deep into alcholoism.
4) But on a brighter note, what was lost was found again between our favourite couple Seth and Summer. Although it seemed that Seth may have lost Summer to his perfect counter-part Zack and their would-be romantic trip to Italy, Summer ditched Zack in the airport and the next thing you know the spiderman kiss happened (see above pic).
Okay so I lied about being a "once-devoted" fan, because clearly I'm still obsessed.
Must listen: (Other than Champange Supernova)
1) Not For All The Love In The World - The Thrills
2) Rainy Monday - Shiny Toy Guns
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Yes, I am still alive.
work from 6pm until 2am. yes. believe it.
Well now that exams are over (yay!) I find myself constantly working (not voluntarily I might add, but because my manager keeps scheduling me to work). I know that working in retail doesn't seem like the most tiring of jobs, but when you're constantly on your feet for 7-8 hours, well let's just say it's a bitch. Not to mention the constant folding and refolding of clothes, greeting customers with "enthusiasm" and pretending like you care "how they are". I really hope my manager doesn't read this.
But other than that, the discount's decent and so is my pay considering it's retail, and I just so happened to have found the PERFECT trench coat there!! (It actually fits and doesn't give the impression that I am wearing a big beige curtain)
Apart from work...what else is new? Not too much. I recently went to the Killers concert and they were amazing to say the least. It was such a fluke that I ended up even getting tickets to go. It was meant to be :) I kind of regret not getting floor tickets though...watching a concert just isn't the same without being up front and center - or at least closest possible to the band!! But it defs was one of my favourtie concerts to date. I can't wait for the Coldplay concert!
Must Listen:
1) Yellow - Jem (Her cover of this classic Coldplay song is simply mesmerizing)
2) Sam's Town (Abbey Road Version) - The Killers
Monday, April 20, 2009
My Girl (No, not the Korean movie)

This is one of my all time favourite movies :) I love how the storyline is so simple, yet it is just enough to completely entice an audience. This "coming-of-age" movie reminds me of how precious moments were when I was a child (and how I took them for granted), and how much I miss my youth. Wow, I sound like I'm experiencing my mid-life crisis or something...but I am NINETEEN afterall. This is the last year that ends with "-teen". Come next year, I can kiss my teen years goodbye as I venture into the "twenty's" (*shudders*). But I'll cross that bridge when I have to. Anyhow for the time being, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you watching this movie!!
CAUTION: This movie may cause water works. That's all I'm gonna say.
Must Listen:
My Girl - The Temptations (Just like the movie, this is another all time favourite!)
Friday, April 17, 2009
But okay I was being dramatic. I guess this bird breathing nonsense is somewhat interesting otherwise I wouldn't have been able to remember it enough to even mention it right now. But I ASSURE you, reading everything else makes me want to bleed from the eyes.
Today was officially the LAST DAY OF FIRST YEAR :):):) YAY. And to celebrate, a couple of my friends and I decided that even though we all should be studying, we deserve to go to BSD. Too bad the weather man lied yet again, and the sunny 15 degree weather felt like a rainstorm waiting to happen. Spring, where are you??
Speaking of Spring, this reminds me of its better half aka SUMMER! I know this is a tad bit early to pick a summer song, but I'm gonna do it anyways!!
Summer Song (of the moment):
Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) - Lady GaGa
I don't know what it is about this song that reminds me of sunny days free of stress. Perhaps it's the up-beat melody that perfectly compliments the light subject of the song? Who knows, but give it a listen!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
So, it's been a good ten days since my last entry, and you can thank "things/events" that keep occuring in my life (all so suddenly I might add) for my absence. However, with that being said, it's been quite some time since I've actually found something interesting (or relevant) to blog about. During these past ten days, I:
1. Handed in my resume to Club Monaco
2. Watched the season 5 premiere of my beloved Hills,
3. Wrote my bio lab final/went to my last lab of the semester,
4. Waited over a week for a response from Club Monaco,
5. Scored an interview with Club Monaco
6. Went to the interview and got hired!!!(I start next sunday)
7. Enjoyed not having school on my birthday (which happened to land on a Good Friday)
8. Went to Edmonton on my birthday just to shop (I bought some nice things including the geek-chic spectacles I'm casually posing in: see above pic)
9. Celebrated my birthday on Saturday at Flatiron with a great group of friends!!! (Thanks again for everyone that came, you made my day :D)
10. Realized that I should probably start studying for finals
11. Am still anticipating new episodes of GG to come back on dammit!
12. Am actually content (and it's been a long time coming)
Now you may catch your breath.
But what more can I honestly say, it's been a good ten days. With the last week of school coming up, it's weird to think that we've made it through our First Year still alive, not overweight (freshman fifteen anyone?) and not in rehab. There really is no other way I can say this, but to say that this year went by so fast. This year didn't start out as I had planned (meaning I barely passed classes that used to be my bitch), but I think it's safe to say that it's ending on a good note. And I'm really glad.
I can't wait for the summer!!
work + stampede fun + COLDPLAY + sunny days/nights + shorts/t-shirts + please god let me find a car + maybe road trip? + maybe trip to NYC, Cancun, Miami, Vegas??? HAHA. + good frieds = CONTENTMENT.
P.s. - so excited for Coldplay, and the Killers :) :) :)
Must Listen:
1) Zero - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
2) Gimme Sympathy - Metric (I've waited so long for their new album, and it's finally here!)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
In further cinema-esque news, do you guys remember reading the book "Where The Wild Things Are" as a child?!? Well guess what? You can now look forward to the movie adaptation of the beloved book by Maurice Sendak, in October!! But that's the thing. NOT TILL OCTOBER. Well the previews have definitely captured my attention, and you can bet on seeing me at Cineplex on opening weekend :)
Here's the link to the preview of Where The Wild Things Are:

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Ice Cream Has Never Looked Soo Good

Is it just me, or does GG have arguably one of the most sexiest casts on television?? The ad campaigns promoting the show are often scandalous in their own right (OMFG anyone??) as they attempt to hype up the sexuality factor of the show. However, as a religious viewer, even I have to admit that the show really isn't that sexy. But whatever, sex sells I guess. Regardless, it would be naive to neglect the fact that this show really has taken the masses by storm and has become quite infamous. Never before has a show become so popular that even celebrity bloggers take the time to actually blog about it. Also, the paparrazzi actually follow the cast they are FILMING! (Which often to leads to major events of the plot being revealed...I mean the majority of us knew that B and N would get back together a loooong time ago thanks to the pic of them kissing on set posted on like every blog!) Also, the cast mates consistantly land covers of many coveted magazines (New York, Vogue, and now Rolling Stone). I mean, you don't see the cast of Grey's Anatomy on the cover of Rolling Stone now do you? GG-mania has officially taken over. Josh Schwartz is a genius :)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Summer, How I Miss You So

Must Listen:
Here are a couple of tunes that are reminiscent of the summer and definitely worthy of your listening.
1) Orange SKy - Alexi Murdoch
2) Honey And The Moon - Joseph Arthur (one of my all-time favourite songs to listen to regardless of the shitty weather we're experiencing)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
So basically, if you haven't already heard, on Tuesday night BritBrit was performing in D.C. and proving that she DOES lip sync, she decides to stop lip synching in between one of her songs, and screams (while running down the stage like a crackhead): "Meerrryy Christmas!!!" HAHAHA. Then after that, like any great perfomer, she continues "singing". Damn I wish I had tickets to her show :(
Lucky for you, this holiday cheer was captured on film!!! Here's the link:
Your welcome (and thank you Perez!!) ;)
This also wasn't the first time that Britney said something inappropriately funny. A while back, after finishing one of her songs and the lights began to dim as she lowered into the stage, she thought that her mic was off and accidently blurted out:
"My pussy was hanging out!!" HAHAHA. Everyone in the audience heard and was like wtf. Apparently, the outfit that she was performing in revealed even a little too much for the Britster. Oh Britney.
(Kind of a throw-back)Must Listen:
1) Trouble - Coldplay (That piano background is mesmerizing)
2) Wonderwall - Oasis
Thursday, March 19, 2009
If you don't already know, B and N will rekindle their flame. But who's knows for how long. So long Chair and hello Nair???
Gorgina makes a come back. And this time she has Jesus on her side. No actually, she is SAVED!! OMJC (Oh my jesus christ!)
No doubt will perform!! But they won't play themselves, they'll play a band called Snowed Out (say that fast and you'll get it)
Brittany Snow may make an appearance portraying a teenage Lily Vanderwoodsen (PLus the spinoff show will air sometime in May)
& Let's just say that Serena may get a mugshot
Lastly: YAY WE GOT COLDPLAY TICKETS!!!! (and a bitch it was to get them!)
Must Listen:
Hometown Glory - Adele (Soo good!! Her voice is a-mazing)
The Youth - MGMT
Friday, March 13, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Simply Genius
Monday, March 9, 2009
Busy Busy
My list of reasons for "Oh-my-god-i'm-gonna-kill-myself"...but not really because I'm just being dramatic:
Biology Lab Quiz – March 10 (TOMORROW)
Biology Animal Assignment – March 17
Sociology Paper – March 18
Anthropology Midterm – March 18
Sociology Midterm – End of month
And just when I thought I could breathe again.
On a less emo-esque note, COLDPLAY IS COMING TO CALGARY!!!!! This glorious announcement couldn`t have come at a better time! I am soo there :)
Must Listen:
1) Lost – Coldplay (HAH! How appropriate!)
2) Time To Pretend - MGMT
Sunday, March 8, 2009
GaGa For GaGa

Regardless, I have to confess that I find her music infectiously catchy. I swear, after to listening to one of her songs, it becomes quite the challenge to remove her disco-pop-dancehall-with-a-modern-twist tunes out of my head. Mind you, this doesn’t come in handy when you’re trying to study for your biology midterm the next day, and all that’s dancing through your head is “Pa-pa-pa-poker face, Pa-pa-pa-poker face, mah mah mah mah.” Lessoned learned: No GaGa before an exam.
Anyhow, I just thought I’d give her some recognition as I think her sound is so fresh for the moment and she is a unique contender in today’s pop culture. In my opinion, she really sets a new bar for pop music. GO GAGA!
It’s also interesting to note that she was a musical prodigy at the age of 4 when she learned to play the piano by ear, and soon attended Convent of Sacred Heart (A Manhattan private school - with the infamous Hilton sisters). She later accepted an early admission into Tisch School of the Arts at NYU. So this girl isn’t all about “The Fame” she’s got actual talent.
Must Listen:
1) Starstruck -Lady GaGa
2) Beautiful Dirty Rich - Lady Gaga
Lastly, if you haven't already heard (this is her lastest single):
3) Love Game - Lady Gaga
Thursday, March 5, 2009
"A total vision of the future as seen through the eyes of the past, often a utopian society characterized by high technology (relative to the base time), unusual or exaggerated artistic, architectural and fashion styles, and an abundance of consumer goods; its spirit of optimism and embracing of the status-quo is a contrast with cyberpunk, although in many cases the utopianism is presented in an intentionally ironic or camp light." -Wikipedia
This phrase was coined by Lloyd Dunn in 1983. (WHO is Lloyd Dunn?? I have no clue - but points to you for making up such a word!)
Must Listen:
1) Don't Let Me Fall - Lenka (This is the song in the lastest Telus commercial.)
It's Britney, Bitch.
So as many of you probably know by now, last night BritBrit kicked off her Circus tour in New Orleans. This is the first time in FIVE years that she’s back on tour – within those last five years; she spent 3 of them doing this:
Kfed, mothering his children (that’s gotta suck), getting fat in the process, shaving her head and then attacking a SUV with an umbrella right after, getting hospitalized, partying with paris and lilo, showing off her crotch several times, throwing hissy fits on the sets of magazine photoshoots, being whisked away in a stretcher from her home in the middle of the night, some more partying, attempting to get fit for the 2007 (or was it 2008?) Mtv movie awards where she then attempted to perform (but we all know how that went down – even her lip synching was off), letting her kids have a turn with the car, having a hit and run – CAUGHT ON FILM by the swarm of paparazzi that was there in action, dating a paparrazi, perfecting her British accent, was probably diagnosed bi-polar (but no one took that seriously because she’s Britney-fricken-Spears and as long as it was entertaining, then it couldn’t possibly have been harmful to her well-being), and then some.
Man, do I love using long descriptive run-on sentences. HOLY MACK.
She basically had the longest TRAINWRECK-CAR-CRASH-THAT-YOU-CAN’T-LOOK-AWAY-FROM meltdown of the last couple of years!! Well done Brit. Mariah Carey’s meltdown ain’t shit. But that was then.
Now I’m glad to see her back in her hair-whipping, to-the-syllable lip synching, sparkly belly-baring-ensemble-wearing glory. Yes, HAIR-whipping (well technically it's extensions, but in attempts to perserve the image of her in her pre-Kfed days, we'll pretend that it's real hair). Now the question of whether or not the show was actually any good...well that's debatable.

Must Listen:
If You Seek Amy - Britney Spears
(& If you don't get what why there's so much "controversy" about this song, just say "If You Seek Amy" repeatedly really fast. You'll get it.)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
CB and R's Reunion. Can I say WTF?!?! Are you on CRACK? Do you like being punched repeatedly, choked to the point where you lose consciousness, and oh yeah...BITTEN?!? (Again wtf). Sorry R, but abuse is abuse. I know how much you must think in your oh-so-fragile state of mind (and battered body for that matter) how much you "love" him, but bruises aren't a good look for you. Short hair + edgy clothing + cool tunes = yes. Black eyes + split lips + "devil horns" = hells no.
You know you’re a guilty remorseful woman beater when you’re photographed jet skiing & happily-flexing your muscles (Which by the way, you need not as we’ve all seen the picture of R. WE KNOW YOU’RE STRONG.) at Diddy’s mansion in Miami. Nice. Besides that, getting back together with the person that beat the shit out of you just 3 weeks earlier is not cool nor in anyway admirable. BAD ROLE MODEL. (Good Girl Gone Bad Anyone?)
MIDTERMS = stress = no appetite = hardly/barely eating = weight loss = skinny = good? HAHA. Yes some would say.
But seriously, it’s funny how I complain about the “stresses” of midterms when all I have left is one. And it’s on Saturday, which gives me another 3-4 days to study for it. Some people have midterms either on consecutive days or double the midterm in one day. Fun. I can’t wait till this is all over, and we can all binge drink our problems away – well at least for the time being. Summer, how I miss you so :(
The Hills Season 5!!! I know, I know, it’s probably scripted to the every detail, but I still love it. And if it is scripted, then hallelujah to the script writers because the populations of loyal Hills followers (myself included) totally eat this shit up. The drama, the eye-liner tears, LC’s moustache up close, Speidi at their finest, and Audrina & JustinBobs! What a show. Here's the link to the trailer for season 5:
Must Listen:
1) The Gateway - Velveteen (sounds SO MUCH like death cab, but it’s not. So scandalous.)
2) Spaceman - The Killers