This is one of my all time favourite movies :) I love how the storyline is so simple, yet it is just enough to completely entice an audience. This "coming-of-age" movie reminds me of how precious moments were when I was a child (and how I took them for granted), and how much I miss my youth. Wow, I sound like I'm experiencing my mid-life crisis or something...but I am NINETEEN afterall. This is the last year that ends with "-teen". Come next year, I can kiss my teen years goodbye as I venture into the "twenty's" (*shudders*). But I'll cross that bridge when I have to. Anyhow for the time being, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you watching this movie!!
CAUTION: This movie may cause water works. That's all I'm gonna say.
Must Listen:
My Girl - The Temptations (Just like the movie, this is another all time favourite!)