So, it's been a good ten days since my last entry, and you can thank "things/events" that keep occuring in my life (all so suddenly I might add) for my absence. However, with that being said, it's been quite some time since I've actually found something interesting (or relevant) to blog about. During these past ten days, I:
1. Handed in my resume to Club Monaco
2. Watched the season 5 premiere of my beloved Hills,
3. Wrote my bio lab final/went to my last lab of the semester,
4. Waited over a week for a response from Club Monaco,
5. Scored an interview with Club Monaco
6. Went to the interview and got hired!!!(I start next sunday)
7. Enjoyed not having school on my birthday (which happened to land on a Good Friday)
8. Went to Edmonton on my birthday just to shop (I bought some nice things including the geek-chic spectacles I'm casually posing in: see above pic)
9. Celebrated my birthday on Saturday at Flatiron with a great group of friends!!! (Thanks again for everyone that came, you made my day :D)
10. Realized that I should probably start studying for finals
11. Am still anticipating new episodes of GG to come back on dammit!
12. Am actually content (and it's been a long time coming)
Now you may catch your breath.
But what more can I honestly say, it's been a good ten days. With the last week of school coming up, it's weird to think that we've made it through our First Year still alive, not overweight (freshman fifteen anyone?) and not in rehab. There really is no other way I can say this, but to say that this year went by so fast. This year didn't start out as I had planned (meaning I barely passed classes that used to be my bitch), but I think it's safe to say that it's ending on a good note. And I'm really glad.
I can't wait for the summer!!
work + stampede fun + COLDPLAY + sunny days/nights + shorts/t-shirts + please god let me find a car + maybe road trip? + maybe trip to NYC, Cancun, Miami, Vegas??? HAHA. + good frieds = CONTENTMENT.
P.s. - so excited for Coldplay, and the Killers :) :) :)
Must Listen:
1) Zero - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
2) Gimme Sympathy - Metric (I've waited so long for their new album, and it's finally here!)