Friday, April 30, 2010

Finals are so last weekend ago! Horah! However, this freedom is short-lived as spring classes will start on May 17th, and yes as per usual and expected, I'm not looking forward to it. It's not even like I have some easy classes that I can breeze through (like last year), but instead I have ONE MAJOR BITCH of a class. I somehow have to manage to pass this class, with its four months-worth material all jam packed into a month and a half - which normally for any other class, wouldn't be that big of a deal. But when it comes to Organic Chemistry, that means two labs a week, two seminars (and quizzes?) a week, and whole lot of lecturing on esters, aldehydes, amines, alcohols, carboxylic acids, and much more blah-ness. Holy f**king shi*t. Obviously, Ochem is a favourite of mine. Well, I'll cross that bridge when I need too, aka in about two weeks :(

But until then, I intend on enjoying my "spring break", occupying myself with being unoccupied. Yay me!

Ok, I'm kind of lying. In between the strenuous "doing-nothing" sessions I'll be having, on the side, I'm also hunting for a job. It's sad to think that at this time last year, I HAD a job. But I've begun to apply to some places, and I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that my applications pull through, and that the next time I'll be blogging it'll be about my fantastic new job! Yeah, I dream big.

Alright, other than that, nothing else is new. I have to go get ready now because my friend and I are going to Calgary's newest wannabe Pinkberry, SPOON ME! Frozen yogurt topping style, here we come!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dear Mother Nature,

You are a f**king bitch.


Sunday, April 25, 2010


Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Friends Are The Best

Last night was meant to be a typical "movie night" at a friend's place. The plan was to watch Toy Story and Toy Story 2 to prep ourselves and refresh our memories for the summer release of Toy Story 3! Keep in mind, most of us are 19 and some of us, are freshly turned TWENTY. Yup, still kids at heart and clearly in our movie tastes as well. But anyhow, we were watching the first movie and I got up to talk to a friend on the other side of the room (little did I know she was in on all this). Call me clueless, but it didn't even struck me odd that this friend showed up to our movie night half way past the movie, and it was already 1130 at night. Man, I'm dense sometimes. But we talked for a bit, and then the next thing I know, from my peripheral vision, I noticed a cluster of tiny flames which was immediately followed by a uniform singing of "Happy Birthday to you..." And that's when I'm sure my eyes lighted up - that or it was just the reflection from me staring in awe of the lit birthday cake making its way across to me. Along with the partially melted frosting of the ICE CREAM CAKE, yes believe it, my heart melted as well. Yes that's corny, but unshamefully true! I've never felt so special or appreciated :)

Not to mention I think I really needed this too (and I mean this in the most humble, unself-absorbed sort of way). This week was a ROUGH. The long weekend prior was a major bitch with nauseating assignments and lab finals to complete and prepare for, my stupid-piece-of-crap laptop broke down, my parents got into an argument over god knows what, I got sick for the hundredth time in the past six months, and not doing what I want to be doing was really getting to me - especially with the big 2-0 approaching. So yeah, this surprise birthday get-together really helped me put the important things back into perspective, and made the current chaos around me seem manageable.
And with that, I say thanks from the bottom of my heart to all those that were in on this surprise, and for everyone that took time out of their busy schedules to show up and celebrate with me. You have no idea how much this meant to me. This is definitely a birthday for the books. You guys made turning twenty seem not as devastating or traumatic as I thought it would be (haha, typical me). Thanks for holding my hand while I left my teen years behind, and ventured into adulthood. Love you guys!
So I conclude, my friends are undeniably, uncomparably, and quite simply, the best <3

Thursday, April 8, 2010


"Oh my God. I sound like Lindsay Lohan."
You know that raspy, scratchy, pitchy, smoker voice that's become signature of Lilo? Yeah well for the past two days, I've been giving her a run for her money. Aka, I'm STILL sick. My throat is killing me. It feels I swallowed a cactus plant.

But on the plus (to the infinite degree), I am GOING to the MONSTER BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES DREAMS DO COME TRUE.

I don't even know where to begin. I logged onto facebook last night, and saw on someone's status that tickets were going on sale this Saturday. So I went to ticketmaster to check if it's true - since for the longest time, it kept saying that the sale date for the concert was "unavailable" and I was beginning to think that there wasn't going to be a concert (much like the Fame Kills letdown I experienced last year). But when I checked online, not only was the sale date correct for Saturday, but PRESALE was on!!! So I clicked, guessed the "presale code", got it right on the first try (die hard fan, right here), and the rest is history as of last night, or technically very early this morning. I have the golden ticket to my chocolate factory! Despite the fact that the Gaga just had to pick to tour in Edmonton (vomit), I decided to put my distaste for that city aside, and make it into a end of summer/maybe roadtrip/definite shopping binge-fest extravaganza! So so excited for this :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Life is so unfair. Sadface.

Yes, I'm supporting to this new "thing" of typing the words 'sadface' as opposed to making this --> :(

But I'm in fact royally ticked off, so don't hold this sadface-ness against my judgement. I'm currently pissed off at the entire world it seems - well more so my laptop, school, parents, and just Calgary in general. I really really need a vacation. I have to believe that there's more to life than what Calgary has to offer right? Ok, I'm not holding my breath on that one. I haven't given up hope completely, but I'm awfully close. Please someone save me from my self-pity. Or at least join, because pity-parties for one are no fun whatsoever.

On top of this, I'm sick yet again, assignments are piling, and I've had the same fucking headache for the past three days. Go figure.