You know that raspy, scratchy, pitchy, smoker voice that's become signature of Lilo? Yeah well for the past two days, I've been giving her a run for her money. Aka, I'm STILL sick. My throat is killing me. It feels I swallowed a cactus plant.
But on the plus (to the infinite degree), I am GOING to the MONSTER BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES DREAMS DO COME TRUE.
I don't even know where to begin. I logged onto facebook last night, and saw on someone's status that tickets were going on sale this Saturday. So I went to ticketmaster to check if it's true - since for the longest time, it kept saying that the sale date for the concert was "unavailable" and I was beginning to think that there wasn't going to be a concert (much like the Fame Kills letdown I experienced last year). But when I checked online, not only was the sale date correct for Saturday, but PRESALE was on!!! So I clicked, guessed the "presale code", got it right on the first try (die hard fan, right here), and the rest is history as of last night, or technically very early this morning. I have the golden ticket to my chocolate factory! Despite the fact that the Gaga just had to pick to tour in Edmonton (vomit), I decided to put my distaste for that city aside, and make it into a end of summer/maybe roadtrip/definite shopping binge-fest extravaganza! So so excited for this :)