Life is so unfair. Sadface.
Yes, I'm supporting to this new "thing" of typing the words 'sadface' as opposed to making this --> :(
But I'm in fact royally ticked off, so don't hold this sadface-ness against my judgement. I'm currently pissed off at the entire world it seems - well more so my laptop, school, parents, and just Calgary in general. I really really need a vacation. I have to believe that there's more to life than what Calgary has to offer right? Ok, I'm not holding my breath on that one. I haven't given up hope completely, but I'm awfully close. Please someone save me from my self-pity. Or at least join, because pity-parties for one are no fun whatsoever.
On top of this, I'm sick yet again, assignments are piling, and I've had the same fucking headache for the past three days. Go figure.