Finals are so last weekend ago! Horah! However, this freedom is short-lived as spring classes will start on May 17th, and yes as per usual and expected, I'm not looking forward to it. It's not even like I have some easy classes that I can breeze through (like last year), but instead I have ONE MAJOR BITCH of a class. I somehow have to manage to pass this class, with its four months-worth material all jam packed into a month and a half - which normally for any other class, wouldn't be that big of a deal. But when it comes to Organic Chemistry, that means two labs a week, two seminars (and quizzes?) a week, and whole lot of lecturing on esters, aldehydes, amines, alcohols, carboxylic acids, and much more blah-ness. Holy f**king shi*t. Obviously, Ochem is a favourite of mine. Well, I'll cross that bridge when I need too, aka in about two weeks :(
But until then, I intend on enjoying my "spring break", occupying myself with being unoccupied. Yay me!
Ok, I'm kind of lying. In between the strenuous "doing-nothing" sessions I'll be having, on the side, I'm also hunting for a job. It's sad to think that at this time last year, I HAD a job. But I've begun to apply to some places, and I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that my applications pull through, and that the next time I'll be blogging it'll be about my fantastic new job! Yeah, I dream big.
Alright, other than that, nothing else is new. I have to go get ready now because my friend and I are going to Calgary's newest wannabe Pinkberry, SPOON ME! Frozen yogurt topping style, here we come!