Wednesday, March 25, 2009


HAHAHA. What can I say?? BritBrit sure knows how to put on a show (and a HILARIOUS one at that)! Now whether she was on crack when she did this is definitely debatable, but I have to give it up to her to make me lol.

So basically, if you haven't already heard, on Tuesday night BritBrit was performing in D.C. and proving that she DOES lip sync, she decides to stop lip synching in between one of her songs, and screams (while running down the stage like a crackhead): "Meerrryy Christmas!!!" HAHAHA. Then after that, like any great perfomer, she continues "singing". Damn I wish I had tickets to her show :(
Lucky for you, this holiday cheer was captured on film!!! Here's the link:

Your welcome (and thank you Perez!!) ;)

This also wasn't the first time that Britney said something inappropriately funny. A while back, after finishing one of her songs and the lights began to dim as she lowered into the stage, she thought that her mic was off and accidently blurted out:
"My pussy was hanging out!!" HAHAHA. Everyone in the audience heard and was like wtf. Apparently, the outfit that she was performing in revealed even a little too much for the Britster. Oh Britney.

(Kind of a throw-back)Must Listen:
1) Trouble - Coldplay (That piano background is mesmerizing)
2) Wonderwall - Oasis