Everytime it rains, I can't help but think of the song Champange Supernova (the cover by matt pond PA of the Oasis song). As a once-devoted fan of The OC (remember this show?!?), I'll always recall the episode in which it unexpectedly rained in the sunny county of orange, serving as a major metaphor for the recent drama in the character's lives:
1) Marissa was realizing her new-found lesbian relationship with Alex wasn't as glamourous as she had hoped...meaning that she now had to pay rent and had little closet place as a result of moving in with her gf.
2) Ryan's gf Lindsay (also the illegitimate love child of Caleb Nichol and some random ginger by the name of Renee) decided that she's gonna ditch him for Chicago because she couldn't bring herself to stay in Newport and live with the father who has neglected her existence for so many years. Also, Chicago was the only place that her and her mother had any other family...besides as if Lindsay could have remained a regular character, she was getting in the way of the evitable union of Ryan and Marissa :)
3) Sandy kind of had an affair with Rebecca (his old flame), causing major tension in the Cohen household. Poor Kirsten...but then again we all know that she eventually has a semi-affair with Carter before spiraling deep into alcholoism.
4) But on a brighter note, what was lost was found again between our favourite couple Seth and Summer. Although it seemed that Seth may have lost Summer to his perfect counter-part Zack and their would-be romantic trip to Italy, Summer ditched Zack in the airport and the next thing you know the spiderman kiss happened (see above pic).
Okay so I lied about being a "once-devoted" fan, because clearly I'm still obsessed.
Must listen: (Other than Champange Supernova)
1) Not For All The Love In The World - The Thrills
2) Rainy Monday - Shiny Toy Guns