Where can a guy find a pair of gladiators in Calgary?! I want a pair so desperately. I mean technically shouldn't gladiator sandals be just as common in menswear as is in womens, if not more? (Remember that little movie in 2000 called "Gladiator", starring Russell Crowe?) Besides, I think gladiators are one of the more masculine-looking shoes out there. I think for the longest time in fashion, sandals for men were a rare breed, or on the brink of extinction. I mean the only "sandals" for men that come to mind are flip flops (which by the way I find painfully uncomfortable), and those tacky sandals with the velcro straps (yeah, no thanks.) It's about time that NICE sandals are brought back to the runways for MEN. I have the right, just as much as any woman to wear sandals and be damn proud of it! And this is why I want a pair of gladiator sandals so bad...because they are finally ACCEPTABLE in society! Well maybe not society per se, but acceptable in the fashion world, and that's basically all I care about.
(The above picture are the gladiators from Givenchy's Spring 2010 collection as phtographed by Tommy Ton of jakandjil.com)