I know this post is about two weeks too late, but I'm gonna post it anyways. I'm a firm believer in being fashionably late, you know, make them wait a bit. It keeps things interesting. Anyhow here are some of my favourite pics from my good friend Lan's 20th Birthday. She's the first of our group to reach the big 2-0. She's in the red by the way.

It's crazy that I've known this girl since Grade 1. I was having a conversation today over coffee at Tim's (and no, I did NOT win anything today...I'm now 1/6) with another long time friend, about how we're the only people we know that still hang out with the same group they did from Elementary. It's inevitable that friends come and go as people (yourself included) grow up and change over time. New preferences are made, and people develop new perspectives even personalities for that matter. Sometimes it's a good thing, other times it's questionable. But that fact remains that people change. I especially find that most people as they transition from Elementary-->Jr. High-->High School, tend to switch their friend groups the most. I, however, pretty much stayed in the same circle of friends give or take a few, but the core of my friend group still exists. I'm still close to the friends that I once swung on monkey bars with, and for that I'm grateful. It's rare these days to have such a tight knit group of friends that have literally grown up with each other. So this post is dedicated to Lan, Janny, Avneet, and Feryaal (who is currently residing in Edmonton, and probably doenst even know about my blog, but I feel she deserves credit none the less). But don't get me wrong, I also really appreciate the new friends I've made througout the years, they mean just as much to me. Who else would I talk to about Gossip Girl, The Hills and other brainless televison shows, celebrity gossip, and current fashion trends/no-nos with? You guys are the best bitches I know and I say that with love ;)