As of lately, I've gotten into the habit of logging into my blog and even going as far as clicking on the 'NEW POST' button, but failing to actually "blog" once the next page loads. I would glance at the familiar blank page, and quickly realize (yet again) that it will remain blank because I have nothing to say. Then I proceed to sign out. A couple days later, and the same thing happens. This pattern has been repeated for the past two weeks or so. But today (tonight?) I break the cycle! Whoop-whoop. Wow that sounded pathetic even in my mind.
Anyways, I've been craving for something to write about, but seeing as in my last entry I typed (JINXED) that "hopefully the next time I blog, it'll be about my new job!" and that "new job" hasn't happened, well, I've been pretty apathetic about everything and honestly a little discouraged. Workplace that WON'T hire me - 1, My ego - 0. But now I don't even have time to wallow about my unemployment, because yes my friends, Organic Chemistry begins on Monday. Oh joy! As if life couldn't get any worse. No more sleeping in, staying up late to watch my house-hunting shows on HGTV, and late night hang out sessions with my friends. Ok I'm lying about my house-hunting shows; clearly I'll still be up watching those.
Speaking of shows, Gossip Girl and 90210 are in their finales week and ANTM already wrapped up. That leaves me with The Hills, The City, and Glee. Also I've started watching this new show not obnoxiously called "Styl'd". I mean come on, you didn't want to add the 'e' in the word "styled" but you'll add an apostrophe?! Well despite the awful title, the show is actually quite interesting. It's based in L.A. (original, I know) with four wannabe-celebrity-stylists all competing for a position at a prestigious styling agency (so prestigious that I forgot it's name haha). There's backstabbing among the junior assistants; designer clothing; inappropriate hookups (I'm talking juniour assistant and senior stylist); bitchy/fucking scary senior stylists (the bosses) who don't dress that well themselves I might add; celebrity cameos including Nicole Richie, and...wait.
Who else matters?! If Nicole's on it, then I'm into it.
By the way, Gossip Girl is starting to lose its appeal to me. I mean I still think they're the best dressed cast on television hands down, but what's up with the plot? It's very "been there, done that." I'm just hoping the season finale tomorrow is worth all the hype. I mean Josh Swartz did tweet about it saying that it would be "EPIC." It better be. Then again Josh Swartz has a history with teen dramas starting out as the most amazing thing ever, then the next you know, Marissa Cooper is killed off and so are the ratings. Yes, I still hold that against him. I mean what's The OC without Coop? Seriously.