Family Day Long Weekend and Reading Week has finally arrived. Hallelujah! It feels like it's been a long time coming too, even though really it's only been a little over a month since Winter Break (that's how horrible my classes are this semester). It's sounds quite pathetic that a mere 5ish weeks of school could be that unbearable. But trust me, when your classes consist of not one but
TWO biology classes, in addition to the chemistry class that you are repeating having epically failed it last year, and to top a good ol' Greek & Roman class, it takes a toll on you. Oh the joys of Sciences. Not to mention, all this stress is "Defs not good for your skin" as my Coz would warn me on Facebook. But the worst is over - well at least until Midterms Round 2. But no worries, because "this time baby, I'll be bulletproof." ;)
Yeah that was corny, but
La Roux is
I've been trying to find the time to make an actual entry and now that I do, I'm going to milk it. So here goes.
Well I just received back my midterm marks, and to say I got raped by each and every one of them is an understatement. I guess that makes it one of those alone in the dark alley brutal gang-bangs huh? Damn. I honestly didn't think I would do that awful on my tests...these are obvious SIGNS from a higher power that
I'm not meant for Sciences. But tell that to my parents. I guess I'll just have to somehow power through the rest of the semester and get re-acquainted with my Keener Self (which by the way, I have lost contact with since the eleventh grade, so there's alot to catch up on).
Apart from school, in tragic news, Lee Alexander McQueen has past away. I'm actually incredibly saddened by this. I mean I've never met the man, so it's weird that I even have these feelings, but I just feel like the world has lost one of its great talents - there will never be another McQueen. He was a fashion icon and a living legend. His designs were revolutionary and nothing like I've seen before. He kept the fashion industry on edge, producing some of the most interesting pieces I've ever seen on any runway. I mean those "Armadillo" shoes from his S/S 2010 collection were ridiculous. I can't even wrap my mind around such an incaptivatingly original design like that. Allegedly, he committed suicide, which makes this situation even more tragic. Imagine feeling so depressed that you feel the only necessary measure is to end your own life. To feel that low, to the point where you think there's no other possible option for you. I couldn't even fathom the feeling. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. But like my good friend said, "The true artist is a tormented soul." Here's hoping that he found his peace.
Anyways I haven't done one of these in a while,
MUST LISTEN:1) Reflections Are Protections - La Roux
2) She's Got You High - Mumm-Ra
3) When Did Your Heart Go Missing - Rooney